Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Arthur Miller, The Crucible, McCarthyism, and Witch Hunt Project

1. What was Miller's point in writing The Crucible?

This site, written by Arthur Miller himself, begins by commenting on the movie based on the book; Miller gives his opinion on that portrayal of the play and the feelings that it gives him. Information regarding the reason he wrote the crucible and the underlying meanings and comparisons is also included. He describes some events and individuals from the play’s incident and his own experience and tells what point he wanted to make by comparing them through the play.

A ton of links pertaining to Arthur Miller, The Crucible, blacklists, and Joseph McCarthy can be found on this site along with other relevant information.

Background information about the Salem Witch Trials along with explanations of aspects of the play make up the main components of this site. The setting, roles of major characters, and plot summary are concisely summarized. Themes and key issues are presented, are described, and provide a clear idea of Miller’s purpose.

2. How are McCarthyism, the Red Scare, Arthur Miller, and The Crucible interrelated?

Even though it is actually about a theatrical production of The Crucible, this site gives a lot of suggestions as to how McCarthyism and the Red Scare influenced Arthur Miller to write The Crucible. It depicts the events in a way that shows how they are comparable and relate to each other.

Focusing on Miller’s personal experience, this site relates the events of the witch trials to McCarthyism and explains some similarities and how one reflects the other.

3. Document other times in American history when 'witch hunts' were conducted and discuss the outcomes of the Salem witch hunt and the other witch hunts you find. What do they all have in common?

This site is informative about numerous witch hunts that have occurred from A.D. 1400 through 1800 and comprises a timeline as well. Other links and references relating to historic witch hunts are available. Abundant details concerning characteristics and torture involved in the witch hunts along with errors, myths, theories, and causes of witch hunts make this site great for research. You can even “survive” your own witch hunt experience.

A definition of a witch hunt introduces this site. It includes background information and facts about certain witch trials that never actually had anything to do with witches including: witch hunts in Armenia, the Holocaust, ones in Bosnia, the Pogroms, the McCarthy hearings, the Japanese Internment Camps, the Arcadian deportation, and ones in apartheid.

Referencing prejudice against individuals/populations with disabilities as a witch hunt, this site describes another view point of a specific type of witch hunt. (It also relates it to The Crucible and Arthur Miller)


Anonymous said...

Ellen...I like your first website how it is from Miller's point of view, how he wrote it himself. I also like how your second site talks about Salem, Miller, McCarthyism and the blacklists.

Jamie said...

Most of your links are very lengthy...and it would take some time to really read it all. Other than that, I think it looks great...you have great description though, and I read that. Good job! Some of those things I never thought of.

Kayla Jessen said...

Ellen...I have the same site were Miller wrote it himself; it is very informative. Good Job! Everything is organized very well.

Morgan Esser said...

1. Your first website is extremely helpful because it specifically talks about why Miller wrote The Crucible. However I did not find your second and third website to help me much. I didn't like how you had to navigate around the second website. The third website just basically explained the plot and characters of The Crucible. I was just looking for more information on why Miller actually wrote the book.

2. Your second sites were very helpful and interesting.

3. I also like your third websites because they talk about many different witch hunts throughout history and because the site talks about common myths of the witch hunts.

Keep up the good work!

Kayla Jessen said...

You might not want to use the second site for question number three because it is a witch hunt, and I think Mrs. Hansen wants things other than that. However, all your other sites look really good.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of sites to look at on your blog, but each of them describes the subject really well. I like your summarizations; they are very complete and informative. Good job!

Anonymous said...

For question number three, on the second site. It is really good and informative, but I don't know if it exactly fits the assignment given.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the first site on question two yet, but it is a good site and really tells how Miller, the Crucible, McCarthyism, and the Red Scare are interrelated. Great job on your blog!

Beth said...

Ellen, you have a good verity sites. They are all very informative and answer the questions. You also wrote great descriptions of all the sites.

Muffmack said...

Your second link was awesome! It really got what the assignment was and it had a lot of great information on it.

Muffmack said...

The first link didn't work as a hyperlink, but i searched for it awhile on google and I think i found it.

Anonymous said...

Great Website! i enjoyed the reading them it give very good descriptions and is very informative!

Your secound set of wesbites were also very good and interesting. Its good that you have more than just one website for your topics!

Also your websites were very good i like that you have more than just one website of other witch hunts.

Great job Ellen!

Anonymous said...

You have done a great job in answering each question completely. For the last question I liked how you brought up people with disabilities and how they were involoved in a "Witch hunt."

Anonymous said...

Good job Ellen!...some of your websites get to be a little bit long but they are complete. They have helped me understand things better.

Muffmack said...

That's a great website with all the links to everything related to the crucible. Super job!

Sonja said...

Ellen the sites are great. I especially like the one Miller wrote himself. From this site you actually get to know why he wrote the Crucible. I like how you describe all of the sites. Good Job.

Jarrid said...

wow ellen you have a good variety of all of your sites!

Lizzie said...

1.) I like the third site you used for the first question, especially the Key Issues it listed and discussed, and the Applications about McCarthy.
2.) Like I said on Murphy's blog about the second site, this is one of the best sites about how these three events are interrelated.
3.) Wow, I never really considered people with disablitites being a target for witch hunts--good job!

Anonymous said...

I liked that you throughly explained your sites, but it would be even better if you made them more interesting for the reader. The 2nd link on the 2nd question would be even better if u had a lil bit more info on it. You did an excellent job! keep up the good work

Kayla Jessen said...

Good job Ellen! You were very complete with all three of your questions. Everything looks good.

Randall said...

Great job Ellen, you have excellent descriptions and your site are very good too. I like how you were informative and concise at the same time.

Ford Racer said...

I couldn't get into the first site, but I thought the sites you listed for the second question were good. You also did a good job on the descriptions.

Randall said...

Your first site wouldn't work for me, but by your description it seems to be an outstanding site. I think your second site makes up for it though.

Randall said...

I have seen a few of your sites on other people's blogs, however, they are still very helpful. Good job you did an excellent job on the assignment.

BUBBLES said...

1) I also had the first site…great one. The third one is pretty good in telling why Miller may have written the play.
2) The first site gives a nice explanation on some of the similarities.
3) I didn’t think of autism.

Landon Schade said...

1)Well i could not access your first website..but im sure it was a good one.I also have the second website which it is difficult at first to find info but it gets easier.
2)You found one that i havent seen before so it got that much more interesting, although it was a lengthy one.You also give very good descriptions of the sites too
3)It talks about all the different witch hunts in history which was very nice to know all those.

Anonymous said...

1. This first site is cool since you actually get Miller's actual point of view on things. Also your summaries are pretty informative of your sites.
3. Its cool that you have a couple of sites for witch hunts in America and the different myths of witch hunts.

Lizzie said...

Looking at the timeline of all those witch hunts is scary. When you think of all the ones that happened just in America, think of all the ones that happened and are happening all over the world!